Friday, June 8, 2012

Believeability - my layouts

Please, read the Believeability Charity Collabs history here. Mitia needs your help!

And enjoy the freebies I made to match with the kits here.

Now, my layouts made with the Charity Collabs!





Believeability - FREEBIES

Now, let's go to the freebies!
Read about the Believeability Charity Collab here.

Kit 1

Kit 2

Kit 3

And a pink alpha to match with all kits:

Do not miss the new freebies!


Believability Charity Collabs - HELP

Some brazilian designers (40 or more) joined in a cause. Mitia Assef, a digital scrapbook designer, is being with cancer and needs money for treatment (this is the third time that cancer is manifested).
Sensitized by the situation, we created three kits to raise money for his treatment. During the preparation of the collab, Mitia got the value from other campaigns. However, as we don't know if she will need more money, all that remains of the sale value of the kits will be donated to an institution for children with cancer.
Anyone who wants can take a peek at the Facebook page that we created for our communication during the design of the kits.

The name of the kits - BELIEVEABILITY - means "capacity to believe." 

When you buy the kits, or the combo, you're helping one or more people in cancer treatment.

Let's go to the kits:


Umas 40 designers brasileiras se uniram em prol de uma causa. Mitia Assef, uma designer de scrapbook digital, está com câncer e precisa de dinheiro para o tratamento (esta é a terceira vez que o câncer se manifesta).
Sensibilizadas pela situação, criamos 3 kits para arrecadar dinheiro para o seu tratamento. Durante a elaboração do collab, Mitia conseguiu o valor através de outras campanhas. Porém, como não sabemos se ela vai precisar de mais dinheiro, todo o valor que sobrar da venda dos kits será doado para uma instituição de crianças com câncer.
Quem quiser, pode dar uma espiadela na página que criamos no Facebook para a comunicação das designers durante a elaboração dos kits.

O nome dos kits - BELIEVEABILITY - significa "capacidade de acreditar".

Ao comprar os kits, ou o combo, você estará ajudando uma ou mais pessoas no tratamento contra o câncer.

Vamos aos kits:

Kit 1

Kit 2

Kit 3


The kits are being selling at DIGISCRAPPERSBRASIL.

Thanks for help!

Take a look at my contribution!

Kit 1
Kit 3

Friday, May 11, 2012

I like yellow, and you?

Hello, dear fans!

I hope you enjoyed the iNSD like me: I did the download of a lot of freebies and bought some things too...

Here is the week freebie: "I like yellow, and you?! - a cute alpha to pop up in your layouts!

And talking about layouts, when you scrap with Tea Scrapbook Designs freebies, write the link on comments, because I'll create a gallery to post the layouts of my fans.

I wrote it was two freebies, right?
Wait, please, the another will came soon - I was working hard with the charity collab that I wrote here (and you'll know it too in some days).

A kiss and a great weekend!


Olá, meus queridos fans!

Espero que tenham curtido o iNSD como eu: baixei muitos freebies e fiz umas comprinhas...

Aqui está o freebie desta semana: "I like yellow, and you?" - um alpha fofinho para destacar-se nos seus layouts!

E por falar em layouts, quando você usar os freebies Tea Scrapbook Designs, poste o link nos comentários, pois eu vou fazer uma galeria só de layouts dos fãs.

Eu escrevi que traria dois alphas, certo?
Calma que o outro logo estará por aqui - estive ocupada, esta semana, fazendo mais alguns elementos e freebies para o collab que citei aqui (e que logo, logo você também irá conhecer).

Um beijo e ótimo final de semana!

Do not miss the new freebies!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Celebrate iNSD

How about to start with 2 freebies?
Yeah, I have two great new papers pack made for you to celebrate this iNSD!

iNSD is the best moment of the year for me. This date increases my anxiety, because I want to find all the freebies of this celebration - what is impossible!

But, this year will be different: I made 2 freebies to celebrate! And I'm so happy with this!

Que tal começar com 2 freebies?
Sim, eu tenho dois conjuntos de papéis feitos para você celebrar este iNSD!

iNSD é o melhor momento do ano para mim. Esta data aumenta minha ansiedade, porque eu quero encontrar todos os freebies desta comemoração - o que é impossível!

Mas, este ano vai ser diferente: eu fiz 2 freebies para celebrar! E estou muito feliz com isso!

Do not miss the new freebies!


Monday, April 30, 2012

TOU - Terms of Use

©2012 Tea Scrapbook Designs F R E E B I E S

Copyrights to all graphic elements are retained by "Tea Scrapbook Designs".

* Use any graphic elements for commercial work without written permission. These products are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. I am "Scrap for Hire" friendly. You may use my designs for your S4H projects, provided you deliver a flattened image to your clients.
* Claim my designs as your own or ALTER my designs and CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN.
* REDISTRIBUTE my products yourself. Only you are permitted to use the content of these files.
* Use the contents of these files for any WEBSITE DESIGNS without contacting me first at the address below.

* SUBMIT YOUR PROJECTS that you created using my designs to magazines and online publications. Please be sure to give proper credit to "Tea Scrapbook Designs".
* Contact me for permission to use my designs in your COMMERCIAL WORK. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
* Copy any file downloaded from "Tea Scrapbook Designs" on an electronic or physical medium (CDs, disks, etc.) for your own BACK-UP PURPOSES.
* ALTER any element FOR PERSONAL USE including changing the color, size, trimming, etc. as needed to complement your design.
* PRINT A COPY of any graphic element to be used for your own personal projects.
* REFER A FRIEND directly to "Tea Scrapbook Designs" blog if you wish to share my designs with them.

I like and use CU products by:
Chelle’s Creations
Corina Nielsen
Deca Designs
Designs by Jen
Disasterpiece Studios
Ellie LashFree PSD files
Luiza Garay
Miss Tiina

Rita Massela
Sherri Tierney
Thaty Borges
Wishing Well Creations

Thank you for abiding by these terms and conditions. Enjoy your downloads! And please, contact me at if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

"Tea Scrapbook Designs"

Last uptade - April 30th, 2012.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tea Scrapbook Designs

Hello, digital scrapbook world!

After a while desiring to make weekly freebies, I think the time is now!
I always wanted to donate kits, packs and alphas (alphas, my passion!), but I didn't have the necessary time to create and organize everything.

Motivated by a charity - created by me -, I realize I can make papers and alphas at the way I like them (clean).
After I made my part of the Believability Charity Collab, I realize that to create a new identity was necessary, something similar to my likes. (?)

In this way, was born the "Tea Scrapbook Designs"!

To celebrate, I made 2 freebies for iNSD!

| Slowly, I'll organize the blog for you! |


Olá, mundo do scrapbook digital!
Depois de um tempo desejando fazer freebies semanais, acredito que a hora chegou!
Sempre tive vontade de doar kits, packs e alphas (alphas, minha paixão!), mas não tinha o tempo necessário para criar e organizar tudo.

Motivada por uma ação de caridade - criada por mim -, percebi que consigo fazer papéis e alphas no capricho, do jeito que eu gosto (clean).
Após criar a minha parte para o Believability Charity Collab, percebi que precisava criar uma nova identidade, algo que fosse a minha cara.

Assim, nasceu a "Tea Scrapbook Designs"!

Para comemorar, já tenho dois freebies para o iNSD!

Seja bem-vindo!
| Aos poucos, vou organizando o blog para vocês! |